Dr. Spencer provides the following services primarily through virtual telehealth visits, making more time for treatment and less time spent on traveling. He also offers home and community sessions if you would prefer to meet in person.
Psychiatric Evaluation and Management
Comprehensive diagnostic assessment to determine what is going on and what treatments might help. Dr. Spencer works with you to figure out how often to meet and what goals of treatment are.
Psychiatric Consultation
Thorough assessment and review of any provided information to answer a specific question and/or provide a second opinion.
Evidence-based and individualized therapy for kids and adults, couples, and families.
Dr. Spencer sees patients of all ages for a wide range of illnesses.
Depression and mood
Anxiety and fears
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Trauma - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Illnesses that combine physical and emotional symptoms like eating and pain disorders
Family conflict and communication concerns
Marital and parenting challenges
Many others